Back a vital service

AS THE Member for Gembrook and Shadow Minister for Emergency Services, I will continue lobbying the Andrews Government for the much-needed Emerald SES unit.
The Emerald SES turns out to more than 1000 jobs in the area with 45 volunteers; this puts the Emerald SES as one of the busiest across the state.
At the 2014 State Election I was proud to work with Unit Manager Ben Owen to see $1.8 million committed to re-building the local unit.
The Emerald Community has seen many emergencies in the local area including major fires, storm events and even flooding. On all occasions we have events like this our local SES Volunteers are out in force to assist in the community.
The need to build a new station will allow the unit to apply for new state-of-the-art equipment and vehicles, including the current target at the unit to raise funds for a replacement vehicle.
I am proud to support the unit’s call for new facilities that will allow a safer and cleaner training area, an area for a shower after a call out and improved facilities for debriefing after major events.
The Dandenong Ranges are lucky in the level of community engagement via services like CFA, SES, police and ambulance in the district. It is the services we rely on during days of higher distress.
I encourage all in the community to support their local volunteers and offer joining if you can spare the time. There are many roles in the stations and units for all abilities. You do not need to turn out to fires or other disasters; you may be able to assist around the station or in communications or fund-raising.
Finally I thank all our hard working volunteers in the hills; while this summer was a bit quiet, we are sure we will see a return to a traditional hot summer next year.
To support the Emerald SES while they service an area that has 22 CFA stations, please look at signing the petition to build a new SES station for Emerald.
The petition is available to sign at Emerald SES Unit, corner Old Gembrook and Sheriffs roads, and Brad Battin MP’s electorate office, at Suite 5/6-8 Langmore Lane, Berwick.