Remembrance cruise

Wendy Bennett and Stacey and Troy Kinsmore lay a candle in memory of Kate Ansett and all those who died in 2009''s Black Saturday bushfires. 134251_01


HUNDREDS of people from around the state made their way down to Healesville over the weekend to mark the sixth anniversary of the Black Saturday bushfires.
The Black Saturday Remembrance Cruise was held on Saturday 7 February, where over 560 cars drove from Lilydale to Healesville via Toolangi and Chum Creek for the event.
Intended as a time for reflection on the devastation of the 2009 bushfires, the cruise then finished at Healesville railway station, where an official remembrance ceremony and a minute of silence was held.
Event organiser Stacey Kinsmore told the Mail that she thought the turnout was the biggest yet for the event, which is in its fourth year.
“It’s absolutely amazing – I think this is the biggest year yet, so I’m a little bit overwhelmed at the moment,” she said.
“We tried to see if there was anyone else doing remembrance ceremonies, but there didn’t seem to be anyone doing it, so that made the event more important.
“You have to give people the opportunity to come and grieve, and to support each other.”
The cruise is usually held on the first Saturday of February, and this year’s event coincided with the first time 7 February has fallen on a Saturday since the 2009 fires.
Classic, rare and regular cars in their hundreds all took part in the cruise, which caught the attention of television news crews and drew fire brigades, residents and visitors to the town.
Healesville’s Exploded View performed to the crowd before the remembrance ceremony.
Casey MP Tony Smith spoke to the crowd about reflecting on the fires, those who were lost and those still living with the aftermath of the fires.
“We do this every year, because of these three fantastic people here with me,” Mr Smith said, gesturing to organisers Wendy Bennett and Stacey and Troy Kinsmore.
After a tear-filled tribute for Kate Ansett, a Black Saturday victim and the inspiration for the cruise, the entire crowd, emblazoned with yellow ribbons, fell silent for a minute to pay their respects.
Ms Bennett and Mr and Mrs Kinsmore then led the group in a walk around the Healesville Labyrinth while Peter Falconer played bagpipes, and laid a candle in the centre for Ms Ansett, as they had done for the last four years.
All profits from the event are donated to the Healesville CFA.
To sponsor next year’s Black Saturday Cruise, contact Stacey Kinsmore on 0421 321 203 or email
For more photos from the event, visit