Jail suspended over burn-outs

HEALESVILLE man, Mark Karl Zimmerman, was last week handed an 18-month suspended jail sentence over a dangerous driving incident.
Zimmerman, 51, appeared before Magistrate Doug Bolster at Ringwood Magistrates’ Court on Thursday, where he faced charges including driving in a manner dangerous and breach of a community corrections order (CCO).
According to the Victoria Police Prosecution’s summary, the driving charge related to a series of burn-outs around Healesville, including along Wallace Parade, Farnham Road and Don Road.
The police prosecutor told the court the incident occurred on the afternoon of 15 November, 2013, during a high-traffic situation, which included many adult and young pedestrians.
The prosecutor said police fielded several calls from nearby residents and, at one stage, blue smoke filled the main street.
Zimmerman later underwent a breath analysis, where he recorded a blood-alcohol reading of .179.
At this time, Zimmerman’s driver’s licence was already suspended.
Lawyer for the defendant, Kieran Cox, said Zimmerman had suffered recent personal setbacks, which included the deaths of his wife and his father.
Mr Cox also acknowledged Zimmerman, a father of three, had issues with alcohol.
But he said Zimmerman had been successfully fulfilling community work and rehabilitation, which were related to a previous matter.
Mr Cox said the night before the incident, Zimmerman had attended a local nightclub, where he had been evicted.
Police had later locked up Zimmerman, before releasing him.
Mr Cox said Zimmerman felt harshly dealt with, so had decided to get behind the wheel and do some burn-outs.
He said Zimmerman was well aware he faced jail time as a result of his actions, but sought a suspended sentence for his client.
“He is at the crossroads of his life at the present time … but I believe he can contribute positively to the community,” Mr Cox said.