Going after lost sheep

Wendy Busacca and daughter Emily Busacca. Emily's pet ram was among the stolen flock. 134170_01. Picture: KATHRYN BERMINGHAM


POLICE are looking for the drivers of two Toyota vehicles after about 50 sheep were stolen from a Toolangi farm last week.
Wendy Busacca’s 60-hectare farm on Myers Creek Road was targeted on Monday 2 February by thieves, who, police believe, have knowledge of the property.
“We woke up and found the gate open, so we went down to have a look,” she said.
“Someone had come in during the night and cut the chain on the gate and made a path for them to leave.”
Wendy said the sheep were worth an estimated $10,000 but were also of sentimental value, with her daughter’s pet ram among the stolen flock.
Healesville police’s Sergeant Stewart Thomson told the Mail that such a well-planned theft suggested that offenders have an “intimate knowledge” of the property and came prepared with dogs to guide the sheep onto the vehicle.
Sgt Thomson said police were looking for two trucks holding sheep that were seen in Buxton about 5.20am on the morning of Tuesday 3 February. A Toyota Dyna was seen followed by a Toyota Hilux and trailer, both carrying sheep.
“It’s obviously an unusual time for someone to be transporting sheep, so we are trying to find the drivers of these vehicles,” Sgt Thomson said.
He reminded the public that it was important to remain vigilant in protecting their properties against theft.
“It’s important that those residents are doing constant security reviews or audits on their farms and properties.”
He suggested one precaution could be the installation of surveillance cameras and signs warning intruders they were being watched.
Anyone with any information on the matter is urged to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.