Role model’s crowning glory

Murrindindi Young Citizen of the Year Michelle Willans from Narbethong with Bev Fraser who performed the National Anthem and Australia Day Ambassador Andrew Asten.


A YOUNG woman described as “a great role model” has been named Murrindindi Shire’s Young Citizen of the Year.
Former Marysville Girl Guide, Michelle Willans, 21, volunteers with a number of Marysville organisations that cater for the district’s young people.
The award was announced and presented as part of the Australia Day celebrations at Marysville.
Michelle has volunteered in both the Brownie Guides as a Junior Helper and the Marysville and Triangle Youth Group for the past five years, and for the past two years at the Marysville Kindergarten.
Brownie Guides leader, Sherrie Ackerman, said Michelle was always one of the first to volunteer her time.
“She is very reliable and always a very happy volunteer,” she said.
“The Marysville and Triangle Youth and The Marysville Brownie Guides have many fund-raising ventures; we have lots of youth in the area who help out, but not at every one of them like Michelle.”
Michelle said she was shocked when her name was read out.
“It still hasn’t sunk in,” she told the Mail last week.
She said she was happy to help out in whatever way she could and that had included teaching and encouraging great life skills and craft with the Brownie Guides, catering with the Marysville Lions Club and fund-raising for the new youth space in Marysville.
“I enjoy working with young people and I think it has definitely helped me grow up a bit being around them,” she said.
“It makes me more mature, knowing that I have to be a good role model.”
She said while she didn’t look for accolades, she hoped it would show others who might be thinking of helping in the community that their contribution would be appreciated.
“I think it is good for everyone to get involved in their community and to give a helping hand when it is asked of them, or needed.”
Other Murrindindi Shire Australia Day Awards went to Stephen Joblin who was named Citizen of the Year for his work in the Flowerdale community and with men’s sheds including Marysville and Toolangi, and the 100th Yea Show as Community Event of the Year.