Golden farewell

Glennice Mathers at her farewell event last week. 132052 Picture: JESSE GRAHAM


FRIENDS and well-wishers gathered last week for a Christmas farewell for an enthusiastic swimming group leader with over 10 years under her belt.
Glennice Mathers, who started the swimming-exercise group Glen’s Goldies 12 years ago, announced her retirement recently due to health reasons, and was farewelled at an event on Wednesday 3 December.
About 40 Glen’s Goldies members gathered for a Christmas break-up lunch on the day, which doubled as Ms Mathers’ farewell, and the departing leader said she felt positive about the group’s progress over the years.
The group meets on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays for an hour of gentle water exercises, and in its heyday had around 120 members coming on different days.
Though Ms Mathers said the membership of the group had dropped in recent years, the group was close, committed to coming to every meeting possible and had a great time together.
She said the group helped to address social isolation for people in the Yarra Valley, particularly those over 50, though she said Glen’s Goldies took in members of all ages.
“We can really give some of the young ones a turn for their money,” Ms Mathers said.
“We’ve had some fantastic times.”
Formerly a Launching Place resident – and an employee of the Mail – Ms Mathers is now based in Cranbourne and said she now had her computer set up to stay in contact with her Goldies members.