Memories steaming in

History buffs, Rhonda Simmonds, Frank Colverson and Tiani Zia-Kane on the old rail platform. 130375_01 Picture: ROB CAREW


IT’S been a while since the Yarra Junction railway station took passengers, but for generations of locals, it was a life-blood transport link for people and industry.
The old station, now the Upper Yarra Museum, will be flooded with people and memories on Sunday, 16 November, for the Back To Yarra Junction.
The event was sparked by the Yarra Junction History Book Project which will see a history of Yarra Junction, in words and pictures, published in 2016.
While the museum covers the entire Upper Yarra, on Sunday, the focus will be very much on the memories, anecdotes and memorabilia of Yarra Junction.
The history book team of Frank Colverson, Tom O’Meara, Jim Child, Paul Hill, Kate Lamb and Warren Thomas, are looking forward to catching up with people from past generations to the present day for a great day of sharing everything from photos to a snag on the barbecue, or a leisurely cuppa.
“It will be a great day for people to catch up with old friends, share memories and help us make the book a great history of the town and its people,” historical society president Tom O’Meara said.
It’s not all about old memories however. It is also about making memories and there will be lots of things happening between 10am and late, including children’s activities, the blacksmith’s forge, a barbecue, ice-cream and light refreshments.
And there is room after room of the displays and collections of historical memorabilia that make the museum one of the most interesting in the region.
The history book team is asking people to have a peruse of old photo albums, a fossick in forgotten boxes and a bit of a scavenge in drawers to see what can be uncovered for the book.
Photographs and documents can be scanned and returned on the day.
Phone Tom O’Meara on 0427 707 703 or Frank Colverson on 0409 671 221 for further information on the Back To Yarra Junction, and on the Yarra Junction History Book.