Hiker safe and well

There was enormous relief as Sara Chehade was reunited with her parents Raymond and Ramona at Donnelly’s Weir this morning. 126554_01 Pictures: KATH GANNAWAY


A 25-YEAR-OLD Healesville woman was found safe and well on Friday morning after spending a night in the bush on the slopes of Mount St Leonard.
Sara Chehade was met with hugs, tears and food by her parents, Raymond and Ramona, and boyfriend, Daniel Geaboc, who were waiting at Donnelly’s Weir after news that Police Search and Rescue had found her.
Sara set off at 10.45am on Thursday on her first solo walk in the area. Police were alerted after a phone call to her boyfriend just after 1pm saying she was lost and couldn’t find markers to show her the way back to Donnelly’s.
Healesville Police started a search with Healesville, Upper Yarra and Nunawading SES, along with police, Melbourne Water and Parks Victoria, combing the area until after midnight before calling off the search.
Healesville Sergeant Stewart Thomson said the decision was made to call in Police Search and Rescue at first light on Friday.
“Police Canine members have back-tracked her and made voice contact and found her safe and well,” he said.
Sara told her rescuers she had managed to get some rest knowing that people would be looking for her.
“It wasn’t too cold and the stars were out, so it wasn’t such a bad night.
“I didn’t hear any animals, just the sound of the stream. I was really more worried about my mum being worried than anything else,” she said.
Sgt Thomson said it could have been a very different outcome if it had been even a few degrees colder.
He urged anyone thinking of hiking in the bush to follow a few protocols including preferably walking with another person, having a fully charged mobile, water and snacks, and letting someone know where you planned to walk.
Sara thanked the police, SES and others who had spent the night searching.
“They have been really good and I want to say a big thankyou to them all,” Sara said.
Her mum added her thanks to the SES members.
“For what they do as volunteers, and the fact that they do it from the heart, we are very thankful,” she said.