Strap up properly for safety

Ella wearing her helmet with Kidsafe Victoria program manager Jason Chambers. 125677


KIDSAFE Victoria’s message is clear: No Helmet, No Ride.
The child accident prevention foundation launched its inaugural schools competition last month to help teach children the importance of wearing a helmet when they ride.
Helmets reduce the risk of moderate, serious and severe head injury by up to 74 per cent in a collision with a vehicle.
Kidsafe Victoria president Erica Edmands said it was important for bike riders not just to wear a helmet but also to make sure it is fitted correctly.
“Wearing a helmet can reduce the risk of injury or death when riding a wheeled device.
“However, a helmet won’t be effective unless it is the right size for the child and is fitted correctly.”
Backed by the TAC, the Kidsafe Victoria competition asks Victorian children to create a video or radio advertisement that helps send the message about helmet safety. But it’s not just kids who are being taught a lesson.
Ms Edmands said that although the competition is aimed at school children, adults have a duty to model responsible behaviour to younger generations when they ride.
“It’s still important to remember that we as adults have a responsibility to role model correct behaviours and always wear a helmet when we are bike riding or using other wheeled devices.”
Competition entries opened on 21 July and will close at 4pm on 12 September.
The winners of each category will be awarded with a range of prizes at the National Kidsafe Day celebration on 21 October.
Funded by the Community Road Safety Grants Program, the initiative joins other TAC projects encouraging road safety such as the recent announcement to improve cycling and pedestrian infrastructure in the community.