Breaking family violence cycle


YARRA VALLEY police officers are urging people to seek help with domestic violence, and will be opening their doors and ears to assist those in need.
Police officers from Warburton to Healesville told the Mail last week that they’re encouraging people to come forward and talk about family issues before they escalate.
Warburton Sergeant, Tom Wilkinson, said the community and police had no tolerance to domestic violence, and that police would actively help those living in fear of their partners.
He said that anyone could come to police for help, even if no incident had occurred, and that officers could listen to concerns and refer people to agencies to help resolve the situation.
“People think they’re isolated in their situation – they’re not,” he said.
“It is challenge and there’s no quick fix.
“People can approach us – we’re not just there to prosecute and process people – we’re here to assist and help.”
Healesville police Sergeant Stewart Thomson echoed Sgt Wilkinson’s remarks, and said that the door was open for people to come seeking help.
“Your home is a haven, and you should be safe at all times – that includes being safe from your partner,” Sgt Thomson said.
“It can be very hard (to come forward), but after you take that first step, and you’ve got all the support in the world.”
Both sergeants said that agencies could keep details confidential, and that police could assist in resolving issues before they turn violent, or in filing intervention orders.
In the latest round of Victoria Police statistics, released in June, family violence incidents rose from 352 cases during the period 1 April 2012-31 March 2013 to 424 in the following year.
Yarra Ranges Inspector Colin McKinney said at the time that the increased statistics were a result of people having more confidence in going to the police when feeling threatened.
He said that family violence would continue to be a priority for police in the Yarra Ranges.
To contact Healesville police, call 5964 4422. To contact Warburton police, call 5966 2006 or email
Call 9730 1296 for Yarra Glen police, or 5967 1104 for Yarra Junction police.
In an emergency, or if a violent incident is occurring, call triple-zero immediately.