Two of the best

Leanne Arvanitakis Hall and Sonja Mazar from Woori Yallock Community House joined in the fun with Bert and his donkies. 121653_01. Pictures: KATH GANNAWAY.


TWO of Woori Yallock’s high profile community organisations went on show on Saturday 31 May, to highlight what is happening and what’s available to residents in the area.
An Open Day and Market hosted by Woori Yallock Community House and Community Radio Yarra Valley FM 99.1 transformed the ‘little’ car park into a market, information and entertainment hub that attracted lots of local interest, and provided the opportunity for groups including the local CFA and Misfits Productions youth theatre and Hoddles Creek Red Cross to tell their story.
Yarra Ranges Council O’Shannassy Ward councillor Jim Child officially opened the event and urged people to take the time to visit the Community House, meet their experienced staff and take advantage of the services they provide.
“The Woori Yallock community has kicked a few goals with the wonderful new WYTAG Reserve, the new Hillcrest fire station and many other projects we are working on to make the Woori Yallock community a very vibrant community,” he said.
Cr Child also introduced inventor Michael Morrison who was promoting a new BioFuelcell compost system which will be officially launched at Healesville Community Garden on 29 June by celebrity chef Maggie Beer.
Community house manager Sonya Mazar said around 300 people had attended and it was now planned to make it an annual event.
The official opening of the WYTAG Reserve is the next event on the Woori Yallock community calendar, taking place on Saturday 14 June, at 11am.