Sam’s target-driven

Sam on the practice field. 117786_02


TO SAY Sam Breeden is target-driven is more than a dubious pun on his passion for archery.
The 16-year-old Warburton VCAL student has two goals in sight – to represent the state, and ultimately Australia in archery, and to get his Diploma of Disability Services and work with disabled youth.
He’s working towards both with equal determination.
Sam was introduced to archery when he visited Yarra Valley Archery Park with Warburton Scouts when he was about 12, and says he liked it from the very first arrow he shot.
“I did well, but more than anything else, I just really enjoy it,” he said.
He started competition archery and in the past three years has competed at state level winning bronze, silver and gold in the indoor category and has gone on to win silver in the short-range outdoor competition in the Cadets 16-18 age group.
His medal success in the indoor competition has spurred him on, and he says he is taking a more serious approach to his training.
“I’m working towards making the state team this year and then nationals the year after, and am shooting a lot more now,” he said taking a break from a full day’s practice on Sunday.
As he puts it, it’s a simple formula – just get it right and repeat the same thing every single time.
But he admits things don’t always go to plan.
“You need to have good form, but you also need a lot of patience for the times when things won’t work, and it can get frustrating,” he said.
“It’s a matter of just persevering to get it right.”
School is another challenge for Sam who has been with UYCH Youth Education since Grade 6, graduating from their Cerini Campus after three-and-a-half years to start VCAL at the Redwood Campus last year.
It’s an alternative model that allows him to work at his own pace, and which he says is working for him.
His goal is to finish VCAL and go on to study for a Diploma in Disability Studies, a field he is already getting experience in as a volunteer with Melbourne Youth Initiative.
He’s worked on six MYI camps as a volunteer.
“Seeing the kids and other people at the camps have fun is what I love about it,” said Sam, who will have his own ‘buddy’ to look after for the first time when he does his seventh camp over the school holidays.
Archery is usually one of the activities, and Sam’s experience and knowledge of the equipment makes him a popular team-member when it comes time to tackle the bulls-eye at the Yarra Valley Archery Park.
Sam doesn’t see either of his goals as a massive challenge. He’s enjoying the journey right now and says it’s just a matter of keeping at it to hit the right targets.