THE women of the Inner Wheel Club of Wandin are teaming up once again with Monbulk fashion leaders to raise money for cord blood research.
On Friday 11 April the club will present its annual fashion parade at the Wandin North Hall in conjunction with Jenny’s Shoppe and RJ Shoes.
The parade has become an annual fashion pilgrimage for local women and other Inner Wheel club members and Wandin president Pauline Barrett said they are again expecting great support.
“It’s great fun for a great cause,” she said.
Secretary Anne Wettenhall said it is the 15th year of fundraising for cord blood research.
“We, along with members of Inner Wheel across Australia, will be working toward our goal of $2 million and we are only about $40,000 short of that target,” she said.
Ms Wettenhall said to date Inner Wheel had given 33 research grants to scientists working on various projects using cord blood.
“There have been many success stories of stem cell transplants from this cord blood,” she said.
In addition to fabulous clothes, accessories and models, there will be raffles and merchandise for sale and a delicious country-style supper.
Tickets are $15. Phone 0427 031 007 to book.