ALMOST two weeks before its official opening, the new Healesville Skate Park has been left trashed by some of its users.
Everything from drink and food containers through to empty matchboxes was left by the seating area at the new Don Road skate park when the Mail visited the site on Friday 10 January.
Constructed late last year, the park was opened around December, pending the official opening set for 23 January.
Healesville resident John Crifo, who visited the park with his son on Friday 10 January for the first time, said the amassed rubbish was disgusting.
“The council is building these spaces for the kids to play and they should respect them,” he said.
“You get a lot of tourists in Healesville – if they want to bring their kids to the skate park, they might not stop when they see the rubbish lying around,” he said.
A group of skaters at the park said they were disgusted to see the area covered in rubbish so quickly, and suggested that the one bin provided might not be adequate.
However, Yarra Ranges Council’s acting director of Environment and Engineering, Jane Sinnamon, said the council suspected the bins weren’t being used by skate park patrons.
“Council has a regular bin collection service, which empties bins at Queens Park on Tuesday, Friday and Sunday each week,” she said.
“Council’s parks team patrol Queens Park on a regular basis during weekdays and collect any rubbish lying on the ground,” she said, adding that the bin had not been full on collection days, according to feedback from council’s waste collection team,
“Council is monitoring the new facility and will work with the Youth Services team to address behavioural issues – it appears the bin is not being used by park users,” she said.
What do you think of the rubbish at the skate park in Healesville? Do you have a similar story in your town? Send us an email at editor@yvnews.com.au or a letter at Level 1, 244 Maroondah Highway, Healesville, 3777 for our Opinion section.