BENDIGO Community Bank branches along the Warburton Highway are part of a scholarship program helping local students kickstart their tertiary education.
The Bendigo and Adelaide Bank is offering its largest ever academic program providing more than 160 scholarships across Australia.
Under the program, the Warburton and Yarra Junction Community Bank, Wandin-Seville Community Bank and Woori Yallock Community Bank are offering scholarships.
Cassandra Straub was the first recipient of a scholarship last year through the Wandin Seville bank.
The Yellingbo student is studying Veterinary Bioscience at Monash University.
Presenting the bank’s inaugural scholarship last year, chairperson Jan Ockwell said a community greatly benefited from a young person’s ability to further their education.
She said recipients could become lawyers, scientists, IT and health professionals, and perhaps one day return to their home town to live and work.
Warburton bank chairman Peter Kimberley said the scholarships were part of its bank’s commitment to building stronger Upper Yarra communities.
“Some students may face challenges in their ability to further their education and the program has been designed to give the students an opportunity to pursue their dreams,” Mr Kimberley said.
New Woori Yallock chairman Peter Cownley said they last year presented two new scholarships and continued the scholarship presented in 2012 for a second year.
He said the bank was pleased to again be part of the program offering students in their area the opportunity to gain valuable financial support for their ongoing education.
Scholarship applications close on Friday, 24 January, and will be assessed in early 2014. For more information visit www.bendigoadelaide.com.au/scholarships, or call in at your local community bank.