HEALESVILLE Police are increasing their efforts to catch dangerous drivers as the festive season draws closer, running Random Breath Tests (RBTs) and operations to help reduce road trauma.
Police officers hit the streets on Thursday 5 December to set up a breath-testing site on the Maroondah Highway, intercepting drivers coming into town from Coldstream.
Over the course of the afternoon, more than 300 drivers were tested, and no drivers were found to have been over their legal blood alcohol content levels.
However, Sergeant Stewart Thomson said that officers issued 10 offences for speeding, unregistered cars, unlicensed and suspended drivers.
He said that police will be running more operations and working longer hours as Christmas draws closer, doing everything possible to catch drivers who flaunt the road rules.
“With the festive season approaching, we’re asking people to be aware of alcohol and the effects of alcohol,” Sgt Thomson said.
“If you drink, don’t drive – police will be on the road, at different locations and at different hours. Just get a lift or use public transport.”
The RBT sites and additional operations are part of Victoria Police’s state-wide Summer Stay road enforcement campaign, which aims to prevent road trauma and remove dangerous drivers from the road.
Operation Remove All Impaired Drivers (RAID) took place from 15 November until 8 December, targeting drivers who drink excessive alcohol or use drugs.
Operation Break Up will have police focusing on seatbelt offences and distractions, such as mobile phone use and will run until 23 December.