THE Yarra Valley Spring Festival managed to sneak in on a rare sunny Sunday 10 November, bringing lots of Seville families out to play.
The festival run by the Seville Township Group involved local community groups, businesses, CFA and rides and activities for everyone from tots to teens – and older!
One festival visitor who, with so much going on, was glad he took time to grab a raffle ticket was Jason Lang from Coldstream.
Jason won a three-minute grocery grab at Seville IGA.
The 20-year-old came away on Wednesday night with just over $500 worth of groceries for mum, a huge smile, and congratulations from IGA owner Barry Entwhislte and STG president Trilby Dewhurst.
“We were very pleased to be able to offer this wonderful prize to Jason, with thanks to Supa IGASeville and Barry Entwistle for being so generous,” Ms Dewhurst said.
Jason added his thanks to the Seville Township Group and IGA.
Ms Dewhurst said the festival overall, while a little wet underfoot, was a great success.
“We’re really happy with the way everybody from the community turned out and used it as an opportunity to connect with their neighbours and friends,” she said.
Money raised from the festival will go back to the community through SCG grants.