POLICE officers got a fright on Thursday afternoon, as a troupe of monsters, witches and creatures flooded into the Healesville Police Station in search of lollies.
Campbell and Alexis Bus, Jeremy, Isabella, Charlotte and Chloe Newsome, Reeve and Abbey Pardon and Scarlett all visited the station dressed up for Halloween, surprising Senior Constable Ben Pardo and Sergeant Stewart Thomson as they cried “trick or treat!”
Sen Const Pardo complimented the visitors on their extravagant costumes and said that he had pencils to give the children for their lung-busting surprise – he tossed the pencils aside and revealed a bowl of lollies, with the kids receiving an assortment of goodies to start their Halloween evening.
The children, despite being exuberant about their reward, managed to pull their best scary faces for a photo with The Mail before tucking back into their treats.
Yarra Junction came under the ghoulish exploits of kids determined to scare their way around town, including Tyler Lewellin whose mum Jeanette sent this barely recognisable photo of Tyler and friends on the Halloween trail on Thursday.
Mrs Lewellin said most of the 10 or 11 little monsters were first time trick or treaters and the evening was well organised.
“One of us made witches hats and there were other things such as tombstone sandwiches.”