A FAMILY was reunited with the platypus that it saved two years ago, and even got to hop in the tank with the animal in a special event at Healesville Sanctuary.
Anita, Paul, Abi and Bianca Ellis all visited the sanctuary on Monday 14 October to visit Yamacoona, the platypus they had found at Raymond Island in January 2011.
The platypus, which weighed 335 grams, had been found in a critical condition after drinking a large amount of salt water, and was dehydrated.
Anita said that Yamacoona was put in a bucket until she was given to wildlife authorities, because they weren’t sure of the platypuses’ gender and were worried about the male platypuses’ venom.
“She just looked really scared,” she said.
She was taken to Healesville Sanctuary shortly afterwards where she was revived slowly back to health.
Anita, Paul and Abi all hopped into the platypus tank on the Monday, with Bianca watching from the sidelines, and gave Yamacoona a pat as she swam circles around the group.
Anita said the sanctuary staff had done an amazing job nursing and raising Yamacoona, whose name means “water spirit” in Wurundjeri.
“We are very proud of being a part of Yami’s story, although we only did what anyone else would have done,” she said.
The family agreed that the day was very special and said they would return to see Yamacoona in the future.