School memorial for Jorden


UPPER Yarra Secondary College will look at establishing a memorial for Year 11 student Jorden Blease following her death in a car crash at Bonnie Doon on Sunday 6 October.
Jorden, 16, had previously attended Wesburn Primary School.
News of the tragic death has hit the school communities hard with Upper Yarra Secondary College releasing the following statement last week.
“The Upper Yarra Secondary College community is deeply saddened with the loss of one of its students, Jorden Blease. Our deepest sympathies are with Jorden’s family and friends at this time. The college, in consultation with the D.E.E.C.D., is providing additional support to staff and students at this difficult time.
“As a gesture to the family and the wider community, Upper Yarra Secondary College is looking to establish a memorial, which will be done in consultation with Jorden’s family.”
Investigations into the crash are continuing with police preparing a report for the Coroner.