EMERGENCY services in Healesville and Yarra Glen have received a funding boost from the Victorian Government, aimed at improving response capabilities.
Seymour MP Cindy McLeish announced on Wednesday 9 October that the Healesville SES and the Yarra Glen CFA would be receiving grants of $100,000 and $10,841 respectively.
The Healesville SES’s funding will be used for upgrades to their facilities, to accommodate larger numbers of volunteers and new emergency vehicles.
Yarra Glen CFA’s funding will be used for Breathing Apparatus Cleaning Facilities.
The grants were part of the Volunteer Emergency Services Equipment Program (VESEP) and Yarra Glen CFA also received amenities funding in the previous round of grants in the program.
Healesville SES Controller Karen Picone said the expansion to their Argoon Road facility would be helpful to the SES for the remainder of its working life.
The expansion of the facility will include a relocation of their kitchen to accommodate new office space, a new disabled toilet, a fire-wall around the property and expansion of the vehicle and equipment storage areas.
Ms Picone said she was pleased at the funding announcement, as there were now too many volunteers to fit in the current training room, which would also be extended.
A timeline for the funding and the beginning of expansion works for Healesville SES has yet to be announced.