Narconon responds


NARCONON spokesperson Dr Nerida James has responded to concerns about community safety if the drug rehabilitation facility is moved to Warburton.
The Mail reported on 17 September that the ‘SayNoNarcononWarburton’ group had launched a campaign in opposition to the proposal.
Members of the group told the Mail they were not opposed to Narconon, which is run by The Association for Better Living and Education (ABLE) at O’Shannassy Lodge in East Warburton, but were against it being relocated next to Warburton Primary School.
Dr James responded in a letter to the editor on 25 September stating she was committed to listening to, and addressing as far as she could, residents’ concerns.
She said 90 per cent of the Narconon program was based on education with the remainder around good food, sauna detoxification, vitamins/minerals and exercise.
“It is not a needle exchange or methadone program,” she wrote.
Reponding to concerns about security measures, Dr James said clients attended of their own free will and if they chose to leave would be escorted home by a family or staff member.
“Get Off Drugs Naturally (Narconon) has been part of the Warburton community for 12 years and values the lifestyle and people who make this such a great place to live,” Dr James said.
These are the questions the Mail put to Dr. James which are not answered in the response.
– Do your clients include people dealing with heroin and/or methamphetamine addiction?
– Is there a potential for threatening, violent or anti-social behaviour from people coming off these or other drugs?
– What is the client/security staff ratio?
– Has Narconon had issues with drug suppliers delivering to O’Shannassy in the past?
– What measures will be taken to ensure suppliers do not frequent the (Green Gables) area?
– How many times have police been called to the O’Shannassy facility to deal with problems with clients, or with others, causing concern to either Narconon personnel, or others in the area?