DAMAGE has yet to be assessed after a large tree fell onto cars in the Yarra Valley Clinic’s car park. An SES crew is still working to clear the scene.
The tree fell across the car park about 2.10pm today, landing on four cars and smashing one car’s windscreen.
A three-man Healesville SES crew arrived at around 2.40pm after a representative surveyed the damage and began cutting up the tree with chainsaws.
Principal doctor and part-owner of the Yarra Valley Clinic Elroy Schroeder said he was upset about the tree’s falling, as it restricted access to the clinic if an ambulance was needed.
Dr Schroeder said the fallen tree had been prone to dropping limbs and that an arborist had deemed the tree safe when the clinic applied for a permit to have it removed.
For the full story, see next week’s Mail.