Hall hands on deck

Kathy Cameron and Kevin Mason are set for this week's working bee. 106298_01. Picture: DONNA OATES.

WITH just four people now keeping the tradition of the Badger Creek Hall alive, the hall committee’s annual working bee is a great way for locals to show support.
Committee numbers have dwindled over the years, but Kathy Cameron, Kathleen Riley, Kevin Mason and David Heiderich say they are determined to ensure the hall is not only available to the community as it has been since the 1920s, but that it is well maintained and looks good.
Ms Cameron said the working bee on Saturday 28 September is a great way to give the hall a good spring clean but also a great opportunity to promote the hall to members of the local community.
“If we get some extra hands on deck to help out, that will be wonderful, and if we get some interest from people to go on the committee, that would be lovely, too,” she said.
The hall has regular users including yoga groups, the Bird Observers’ Club, it has been home to the Healesville Spinners and Weavers for decades, and is now used for distribution for the local foodbank.
“We feel it’s still a very useful community hall, it has its own charm, and a lovely stage that is really under-utilised,” Ms Cameron said.
Jobs earmarked for the working bee, between 9am and noon, include pruning, planting, weeding and weed prevention, cleaning gutters, raking, cleaning the shed, mulching and a spring clean of the meeting room and hall.
Morning tea will be provided but helpers are asked to bring along their own tools.
For further details on the working bee, or to book the hall, contact Ms Cameron on 5962 3639, or email enquiries@badgercreekhall.org.au.