YARRA Ranges Council took to the streets last week for further consultation on the proposed Yarra Junction Community and Cultural Precinct master plan.
The draft master plan, developed in partnership with the Upper Yarra Valley Historical Society, explores improvements to the site around the historical museum and the Yarra Centre and additional community use, in particular tourism, life-long learning, vocational training and social and cultural activities.
Mayor Jim Child said the master plan was a critical step in planning for the future of the site.
The future development of the site has been the subject of a range of consultations in the lead up to the draft plan, including listening posts, an online survey and a public forum in October 2012.
Key aspects of the plan include new entry and pedestrian connections, restoration of the main access ramp, a café and kitchen in a converted railway carriage at the museum, reinstatement of train tracks, sealing of the access road and parking, collaboration with other user groups and flexible events and exhibition spaces.
Upper Yarra Museum president Tom O’Meara described the plan as ‘safe’.
“It’s not very much different from what we have now, but it is certainly something to build on,” he said.
“We need to tap into non-historical funding which is very hard to get and I think this will help.”
Council officers took the draft plan to Warburton last Thursday and plan to hold another session at Yarra Junction today (Tuesday) to provide the broader public with an opportunity to make comments before the plan is ratified by the council.
The original closing date of 12 September has now been extended to allow time for written comment following these sessions.
Members of the public now have a further week to make comment at www.yarraranges.vic.gov.au/Council/Public_Notices_Consultation/Yarra_Junction_Community_and_Cultural_Precinct_Draft_Master_Plan