Spring bargains curtailed

Dawn, Shirley, Joanne and Karin 104719_01. Picture: DONNA OATES.


THE first two weeks in September could be the last opportunity to grab a bargain from Benwerren Boutique in Yarra Junction … if the organisation is unable get more volunteers.
Benwerren, a non-profit organisation in Upper Yarra, began in the ’60s and has continued to offer support for families by providing time out for women and children in need.
Benwerren Boutique, in the main street of Yarra Junction, sells pre-loved clothing and accessories, as well as new items when available, to raise funds for the hospitality role of the organisation, and for new programs such as the play-group, the girls’ and boys’ groups and, in the future leadership groups for teenagers who have stayed at Benwerren as children.
Dawn Develyn, who runs Benwerren, said the shop had struggled recently to open for more than two days a week because of a lack of volunteers.
“Brigitte McDonald, a supporter who works full-time in Melbourne, is taking time out herself to open the shop full-time for the first two weeks in September with our current helpers and to give others who may wish to help an opportunity to call and see how the shop works,” Ms Develyn said.
The aim is to get enough helpers to keep the shop open full-time until Christmas.
Ms Develyn said the support of local people and former guests who donate to the shop had been wonderful.
She said a couple, who received help more than 30 years ago, were a great example of the ongoing support for the work they do.
“Juan and Leo wanted to pay back and with contacts in sales of handbags and jewellery, they now supply the shop with all profits going towards Benwerren,” she said.
In September, home-made chutney will be a new line brought in especially to raise funds for a planned girls’ weekend.
Anyone who would like to find out more about what a valuable role Benwerren plays in the Yarra Valley community, or volunteer for a half of full day per week between September and December can call Brigitte on 5967 2442 or 0450 404 408, or call in at the shop.