EMERGENCY alerts may be available to even more residents in the coming bushfire season, following the testing of new, location-based technology on Sunday 18 August.
The location-based technology, which was tested in Warburton and Dixon’s Creek, among other areas across the state, aims to warn residents of immediate danger through text messages.
Messages are sent from the dedicated Emergency Alert Number 0444 444 444 and the aim of the testing was to ensure mobile users with Optus and Vodafone can have access to emergency messages.
Telstra has had technology in place for emergency messages since November 2012 and the other two telephone carriers will have technology operating before the next bushfire season.
The Office of the Emergency Services Commissioner (OESC), on behalf of the state and federal governments, carried out the testing.
The Emergency Alert system sends text messages to mobile phones and voice message to land-line numbers about imminent or likely threats, such as fires, floods or extreme weather.
However, the system is not always used in emergency situations and a statement from Minister for Bushfire Response Kim Well’s office warned residents to stay aware of local conditions in emergency situations.
“You should not wait to receive an alert before you act.”
For more information, visit www.emergencyalert.gov.au.