GARDENERS and do-it-yourself landscapers in Marysville will have the opportunity to stock up this weekend as the Murrindindi Shire Council offers up free mulch.
Following on from previous free mulch loading days held in Alexandra and Kinglake last month, the council will be providing a day of free mulch for residents on Saturday 20 July.
Residents will be able to fill up trailers, trucks, ute trays, car boots or just about anything to move mulch on the day at the Marysville Transfer Station.
Waste Management Portfolio Holder Councillor Bernie Magner said the mulch giveaway is a win-win for residents and the council.
“Council can clear large volumes of mulch and residents get the opportunity to spruce up their gardens heading into spring at no cost,” he said.
He said the previous events had been very successful.
“During our free mulch loading days, we often see vehicles lining up to take as much free mulch as they could fit on board,” he said.
The free mulch loading day will be held on Saturday 20 July at Marysville Transfer Station from noon to 4pm and residents are asked to bring a tarp or cover for the mulch loads.