UPPER Yarra Ladies’ Probus Club has celebrated its 20-year anniversary with a party in Seville.
The 55-strong group of ladies, including 10 past members, shared an afternoon of reminiscing as well as celebrating all the previous past presidents and foundation members.
Betty Thurlow, 85, received a life membership for her part in the club as one of the original foundation members, and she is still a member of the club.
The ladies enjoyed a beautiful cake and each president went through each year’s highlights since the club’s inception.
President Marina Smyrk said it was a lovely coming together of people to talk about the friendships they made.
“That’s what Probus is all about, the friendships, fellowship and fun,” she said.
“Probus is for retired and semi-retired people, purely to bring these people into a group that’s social.
“It brings a lot of people that have nothing to do and nowhere to go together and they make a lot of new friends.”
Ms Smyrk said the ladies meet once a month, sometimes to go out on activities, other times to listen to guest speakers while lunching.
“The members help and organise what they want to do, and our monthly newsletter gives details for what’s planned.”
The club meeting is held at Yarra Junction Bowling Club on the second Monday of the month at 10am. Find out how to get involved with the Upper Yarra Ladies’ Probus from President Marina Smyrk on 5964 6544.