WITH A fleet of billy carts in the making, students at Gladysdale Primary School are choosing their racing colours.
It’s all been a bit of fun for the grade four, five and six students who have worked with mentor Noel Donohue on building the three carts.
But underlying the project is important mentoring that can help young people link in to their communities and gather role models.
Noel, who gives up his free time to mentor students at a number of valley schools, said he finds joy in spending time with the students.
“It’s been great to get out of the house when I’m on my own,” he said.
“It was doing my head in a bit but it’s been good to work with the kids and have input into their lives.”
Noel said he even joined up to Yarra Junction’s Ben’s Shed and has had strong support both personally and with the project.
“I hope to go on with it and do some of the things they do at the shed with the kids,” he said.
“Albert has been a good support, showing me how to put the carts together.”
Noel has been spending a few hours a week with the five students and said they focus really well when they’re working together.
“They have strong teamwork and respect for each other,” he said.
Gladysdale Primary School principal John Shackleton said the students were very enthusiastic about their time with Noel.
“It’s someone to take an interest in what they’re doing and lend them support,” he said.
“The students absolutely love it and can’t wait until he comes in every week.”
Mr Shackleton said the school was looking at where it could race the carts, or whether to start its own competition.
“We’re very grateful for people like Noel who give up their time to support our kids,” he said.