THE beautiful Wallace Gardens in Coldstream will provide a magnificent autumn backdrop for the Patchwork Collections Friendship Group annual quilt show this weekend.
The group came together through classes at a Healesville patchwork shop and made quilts for the Royal Children’s Hospital through the Victorian Quilters Snuggly Quilts project.
After the 2009 bushfires, through the Victorian Quilters, the group co-ordinated donations of about 6000 quilts to fire-affected communities.
The 17 members now meet at Toolangi where they are back to making quilts for children at the Royal Children’s Hospital.
Show co-ordinator Bev Busiko said organisers are expecting to display about 100 quilts including their children’s hospital collection, a selection of members’ quilts and some that have been lent especially for the show.
There will be quilts for sale, Devonshire teas available and a quilt raffle.
Admission is $5 with all proceeds going to purchase materials for the children’s hospital quilts.
The Patchwork Collections Friendship Group Quilt Show is on 18 and 19 April between 10am and 4pm at Wallace Gardens, 7 Maddens Lane, Coldstream.
Phone Anne Galetti on 0417 017 067 for further information.