DESPITE more than 1000 residents and at least 40 businesses in support of a new supermarket in Warburton, councillors have been advised to reject its planning application at this Tuesday’s meeting.
Warburton IGA has been in its present state for 14 years and although owner Shane Wyles agrees it is a business and needs to be profitable for him, the store has also spent years giving back to the community with grants and other support.
He said he now wants to give back to his customers by building a bigger store that can house more variety, provide easy access and proper car parking.
Council officers recommended that although the supermarket would bring economic benefits, they said it should be refused because of detracting factors including a lack of car parking and not incorporating the adjoining pharmacy into the proposal.
But Mr Wyles said that as it was, more than 6000 customers parked on the street for between 15 and 20 minutes at a time to use his current store, whereas 38 car parks have been accounted for in plans for the new store.
“We also made easy pedestrian access to the pharmacy, which they seemed happy about,” he said.
He said they sat with the seven objectors to the proposal who were concerned with noise issues and that the building would detract from the street.
“It’s actually located back from the street and earthworks will drop it down lower,” he said.
“In reality if we don’t get this (planning permit) we’ll have to keep going the way we are – as it is people walk out between cars and have to cross the road.
“I’ve been reluctant to re-do this one because I’ve wanted to do a proper supermarket.”
He said the council’s own papers for the town vision was giving priority to a bigger, better supermarket for Warburton.
Residents wanting to have a say on this planning application can contact the councillors before Tuesday to give their opinion before a decision is made at the council chambers at 7.45pm at Anderson Street, Lilydale.