HEALESVILLE Chamber of Commerce members were among the first to try out the new bridge over the Grace Burn last week.
Final work on the long-awaited bridge connecting Queen’s Park with Healesville’s East End tourist precinct was completed on Friday 8 March.
A pedestrian link over the Grace Burn had been identified as a safety issue by Yarra Ranges Council with people taking their chances walking along the narrow road bridge, criss-crossing the busy Maroondah highway or balancing on the make-shift rock ‘bridge’ to move from the park to the other side of the burn (creek).
The chamber held a raffle last year to raise funds towards the $120,000 needed for the bridge with Yarra Ranges Council committing $100,000 and Innocent Bystander Winery, White Rabbit Brewery and Beechworth Bakery committing $10,000.
Chamber members gave the bridge their seal of approval saying while it was ‘functional’ in appearance, it was a great asset for visitors and for locals.
Kedra Donkin said her playgroup had opted to walk from their group session in the main street to the bakery for the first time earlier in the week.
“We usually drive, but with the bridge there it creates a link and it is so much easier and safer for the kids,” she said.
Chamber president Bruce Argyle said it provided an entrance to the park that was easily seen and accessible from the highway.
“It’s great to have it here and it seems it is already doing its job,” he said.