What will these fresh-faces Form 1 students from 1965 think of the new Healesville High School. If you are in this photo tell us on our Mountain Views Mail Facebook page who you are and share some of your memories of Healesville High.
In March this year Healesville High School will be celebrating 50 years of service educating the youth of Healesville and their families.
The celebrations are for the very first Healesville High School students who half a century ago moved up from the Central Classes in Badger Creek Road to the brand new school in Cameron’s Road, and all the students, teachers and staff who have received their secondary education at the school ever since.
It will be a time to get together and relive the great times they had at school and at the same time see the new buildings following the completion of the $15 million building program.
On Friday, 22 March from 6pm there will be a meet and greet at the Healesville Hotel. This will be a great opportunity for people to catch up informally and renew acquaintances.
On Saturday, 23 March, the school will be open from 10am until 3pm for tours of the school, displays of memorabilia and other activities.
The school will also launch its 50th anniversary book on the Saturday.
Display photo boards of many past year levels and school activities will be a highlight – the who’s who, the uniforms, the hair-styles … whatever happened to … and what was that teacher’s name?!
If you went to Healesville High … it will be a great opportunity to revisit your school years.
Healesville High School has been completely rebuilt over the past two years, so it will also be a celebration of all the hard work that went into securing a new, modern school for Healesville. It is also a chance to see first-hand the wonderful new building and facilities today’s and tomorrow’s students, teachers and the community will enjoy.
On Saturday evening a Reunion Dinner Dance will be held at Rochford Winery. If you are interested in attending please phone the school on 5962 4088 as soon as possible to make a reservation.
A family and friends day will be held on Sunday, 24 March. A BYO barbecue will be held in Queen’s Park commencing at noon. This informal gathering will provide the opportunity for families to get together and have some fun while still catching up with old friends.
For further information phone the school or visit the web site at www.healesvillehs.vic.edu.au .