Sweet jobs boost

Many are excited by news of the sweet, sweet development. 87769

MILLIONS of dollars will be injected into the local economy thanks to a sweet new tourist attraction in Yarra Glen.
Not only will the Yarra Valley Chocolatier and Ice Creamery set to provide a $31 million increase to the area’s economy, but this week owner Leanne Neeland announced they had recently hired 39 local people to work at the site.
With expectations of 600,000 visitors each year, Ms Neeland sought a lending hand from people who shared her passion for chocolate.
“I had the hard task of sifting through 300 job applications which I managed to get down to 90,” Ms Neeland said.
“I am surprised by the number of people who were so passionate about wanting to work for us – some of our applicants were retired but believed they still have a lot to give.”
The overwhelming number of applicants showed an interest from younger and older members of the community, with ages ranging from 16 up to 84 years.
“It’s great that a lot of the employees are locals – we didn’t advertise (job positions) at all, everything was through word of mouth,” Ms Neeland said.
“School mums were talking about it – local clubs, in the supermarkets, the CFA, everywhere – people were so enthusiastic.”
New employees from surrounding areas including Lilydale, Kinglake and Woori Yallock form the majority of the chocolatiers, baristas, administrators and groundsmen.
“Most live within a 20-minute drive, which is nothing compared to having to drive to the city,” Ms Neeland said.
Ms Neeland revealed the highlight of the interview process was conversing with fascinating members of the community.
“We had some amazing people come through and it was a privilege to hear their life stories and passion to join our team – we’re thrilled to have so many locals now involved in the new Chocolaterie.”
The Yarra Valley Chocolaterie and Ice Creamery is set to open its doors to the public in mid-December.