Golden voice talent on track

Chloe is getting ready for her big trip to America for the “Talent Olympics”. Picture: DONNA OATES

CHLOE Braidner is taking off to the talent version of the Olympics next year – and she’s just 14 years old.
The Seville singer picked up a microphone when she was 10 and decided she would perform at the Gladysdale Apple Festival’s talent competition.
Her mum, Gina, said opportunities had stepped up a notch in the past few months after Chloe was accepted to represent Australia in the World Championships of Performing Arts.
Aspiring performers from 40 countries will journey to Hollywood where, similar to the Olympics, gold, silver and bronze medals are awarded to champions in singing, dancing, acting and other performances.
“Chloe was selected as part of the vocal team via a video audition and now we have to raise the funds to get there,” said Gina.
Chloe said she had been doing weekly lessons for the last four years at Rowville’s Vocal Freedom.
“I just love singing, it’s what I want to do,” she said.
“I enjoy being able to express myself through different songs… whatever I like at the time – rock and a bit of pop.”
She’s also been in a band for the past six months called To Be Honest, which she enjoys performing in for something different.
The family is trying to raise funds to send Chloe and Gina to Hollywood next July, where they will spend two weeks of musical boot camp, various activities and then the competition.
They are holding a Trivia Night at the Seville Cricket Club on Friday 15 February.
Book a table or join someone else’s for $10 a head.
Find out more from Gina Braidner on 0412 572 824.