Children welcome cuddly friends

Red Kangaroo joey Ochre made the trip to Monash to cheer up sick kids. 89693_03

HEALESVILLE Sanctuary and Monash Children’s Hospital shun the rule “you should never work with kids and animals”.
As part of National Children’s Week, Monash Children’s Hospital hosted some furry friends from the sanctuary – cute and cuddly native wildlife that brought smiles and laughter to the wards.
Healesville Sanctuary director Glen Holland said more than a dozen baby animals, including wombats, dingos and kangaroos hopped in to the wards.
“We made our first visit during National Children’s Week last year and everyone had so much fun,” he said.
“We’re thrilled to be making the trip again.”
Monash Children’s Hospital director Professor Nick Freezer said the visit had been eagerly anticipated.
“Kids deserve a distraction from the reason they’re in hospital,” he said.
“The children were all incredibly excited.”