Brew for Cup view

Kangaroo joey Ochre sniffs out the Melbourne Cup while Brew looks on in fascination. Picture: MARA PATTISON-SOWDEN

HEALESVILLE residents were treated to a special viewing of the Melbourne Cup last Friday on the last leg of its regional journey.
The 18-carat gold 2012 Emirates Melbourne Cup, valued at $175,000, was the star attraction for the day alongside racing legends Jim Johnson and Mick Robbins as well as 2000 Melbourne Cup winning horse Brew.
The cup tour visited Healesville to support grassroots racing and unite the community, and it was the Healesville Amateur Racing Club that hosted the day.
The Cup visited several primary schools as well as Healesville Racecourse, Healesville RSL and Healesville Sanctuary.
At the Sanctuary keepers and their baby animals rubbed shoulders with the racing crew and several animals found a safe nest in the iconic cup.
Lots of families and school children had the chance to pat and feed Brew down at the Healesville Walk.
A charity ball on Friday night, in aid of HICCI, was the grand finale hosted by the Healesville Amateur Racing Club and attended by about 150 people.