Animal cuddle up to nurture children

NurtureOne Steel Street educator Nicolle Cairns and Zeke Lovell with Bubbles the guinea pig. 88602_01

Bubbles and Cookies the guinea pigs have recently joined the team at NurtureOne’s Steel Street Children’s Centre in Healesville.
And, according to centre manager Danielle Koningen, they have quickly become much loved new friends.
The introduction of pets not only offers learning opportunities but, according to Danielle, they provide emotional support and help develop confidence in the children.
“Animals can help children work through their emotions,” she said.
“They can help settle them when they’re upset, angry or anxious.”
She said the guinea pigs were a great way of supporting children who might be shy or hesitant take their first steps towards communicating with their peers and educators.
“These children gain confidence as they often find it harder to bond with peers or their educators,” she said.
“Animals give them another being to bond with until they feel more comfortable and so far all the benefits are being seen and these little guys are certainly earning their keep!”
While children of all ages have relished the opportunity to interact with the guinea pigs, the kindergarten children are learning the responsibilities of pet ownership including caring for the animals’ daily needs.
Danielle said while the pets are a popular new addition to the educational program at Steel Street, they are one aspect of a bigger project that is underway at the centre.
Over the past year the centre has installed solar panels, water tanks, a vegetable patch and refurbished the play areas to re-introduce elements of the natural environment for the children.
It is an ongoing project with changes and additions to continue throughout 2013.
NurtureOne invites families to enrol their child at the centre to receive a $100 educational gift pack.
For information on the program at NurtureOne’s Steel Street Children’s Centre visitors are invited to drop in or call the centre on 5962 6115.