Brigade back-up

AN OFFICE on wheels, storage containers and catering are all possible on the road with Seville fire brigade’s new self-funded multi-purpose vehicle.
The new Seville salvage community support vehicle is capable of doing work the SES usually does but, with the closest SES units in Lilydale or Wesburn, the brigade saw a need in the community.
With the help of the Seville community, the brigade raised almost $180,000 over three years to fit out the salvage vehicle and complete a station extension to house it.
The station was officially opened and the vehicle keys handed over on Sunday 6 May at Seville CFA with Mayor Graham Warren, Evelyn MP Christine Fyffe, Casey MP Tony Smith and CFA regional director Dave Baker in attendance.
Captain David Clark said it had been a challenge but the brigade had been out tin rattling and raising money in the community to fund the salvage vehicle.
Brigade member Alister Johnson said the vehicle had brought the brigade to a new level.
“We set some goals and the main thing was to house our specialist equipment but we wanted it to be multi-purpose as well,” he said.
The brigade is the only one in the valley that owns a thermal imaging camera.
The expensive piece of equipment is used to help firefighters to search for a person in a burning building, or to find out where heat still exists after they put out a fire.
Mr Johnson said with the closest SES units in Lilydale or Wesburn, the new vehicle could pick up the slack in the middle.
“We’re not just a fire brigade, we serve the community however we can,” he said.
“It’s a vehicle we can be proud of and the community can be proud of – it’s their vehicle.”
Volunteer and mechanic Steve Crupi, who couldn’t be there on the day, spent at least 100 hours fitting out the vehicle, which has a sticker on the back in his honour.
Individuals and community organisations such as Seville IGA, which put in excess of $50,000, Seville Bendigo Community Bank, which donated close to $45,000, the Moffett family of Seville who put in $45,000, Honda Australia in Ringwood ($2500) and St Paul’s Anglican Church ($2500) were all thanked for their donations.