A home

By Kath Gannaway
Applications for the $50 million voluntary scheme opened on 1 March and will remain open until 31 May.
“Landowners who have registered their interest in the scheme have already received an application form in the mail and information will be available on the Department of Justice website,” Mr Ryan said.
Mr Ryan said the objective of the scheme was to reduce the risk of death and injury to Victorians in unacceptably high bushfire risk areas.
“The scheme is focused on owner-occupiers whose principal place of residence was destroyed by the 2009 fires; who have not yet rebuilt on that site; and whose homes were less than 100 metres from forest,” he said.
He said if a property was eligible and the landowner and government agree on the sale, an offer to acquire the land would be made.
“While this isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution, the Coalition is pleased this scheme is available as a last-resort option to landowners whose properties are located in an area where the level of bushfire risk is unacceptably high,” he said.
“Even if people are still undecided or not sure about meeting the criteria, I urge them to put in an application and not self-select themselves out of the process,” Mr Ryan said.
Submissions close on 31 May 2012.
Application forms and further information are available on the Department of Justice website www.justice.vic.gov.au/buyback