Brigade marks 50th

By Kath Gannaway
A GROUP photo taken a year after Black Saturday could well be the only photo on display at Narbethong Fire Brigade’s 50th anniversary celebrations later this month.
“We have scraps of information cut out of Mountain Views Mail, but that’s about it,” said secretary Graham Eddy who has put out a desperate appeal for any memorabilia relating to the brigade.
Much of what was stored in people’s albums, drawers or boxes in and around Narbethong would have been lost on Black Saturday, but Mr Eddy believes there must be other photos, articles, letters and other memorabilia still to be discovered.
There are very few knowns among the many unknowns in relation to the brigade, which was started in 1962.
Even the reason behind the formation of the brigade is open to supposition.
“None of the inaugural members are around now, and I haven’t been able to establish anything concrete or find anyone who knows why it was formed,” Mr Eddy said.
“When you look at the timing, the inaugural meeting was held two weeks after the fires in the Dandenongs and at St Andrews, so you can imagine in Narby, seeing smoke on the other side of the hills and thinking a brigade might be a good idea.
“Then again, there had been earlier big fires, so the question remains.”
It is suspected that with Narbethong located in Forestry Commission territory, there was a perception that a brigade would be unnecessary.
The brigade does have the brigade minutes, but they are incident-based and short on details that would fill in much of the character and culture of the brigade over the years.
The key period for their search for memorabilia is from 1962 to 1984, when Narbethong moved from Healesville Shire to Alexandra Shire.
Although the brigade’s anniversary was officially 6 February, they have held off until 17 March when they are hoping the worst of the summer fire season will allow them to relax and enjoy a little.
A dinner dance will be held at the new Narbethong Community Hall and is very much an event for the wider community to help celebrate with the CFA members and their families.
Tickets are $40 per person and tickets are available by phoning Rob Bean on 0402 041 170, or Mr Eddy on 0423 562 448. Anyone with memorabilia can also contact those numbers.