Teen party slammed

HEALESVILLE police have branded as irresponsible and thoughtless a Facebook invitation to a party in Healesville on 10 March.
Sgt Wayne Williams said police became aware of the party, at a private house, through the Facebook invitation.
In May 2009 police and CFA volunteers responding to a fire call, were pelted with bottles and abused in what local police described as a “war zone” after a party at the Badger Creek Hall was promoted on Myspace and spun out of control.
Hundreds of under-age teens and some 18 and 19-year-olds poured into Healesville from Croydon, Mooroolbark and Lilydale, many on public transport and with no way to get home when the party was shut down.
Sgt Williams said police would be talking to the teenage ‘host’ this week.
“The organisers have been reckless in the way they have advertised this party, and we will be speaking to them and strongly recommending the party doesn’t take place,” Sgt Williams said.
Should police have more powers to stop these parties before they start? Tell us on our facebook page or write a letter to the editor and email it to mvmail@yvnews.com.au.