By Kath Gannaway
WHAT makes a good scarecrow? A Hawthorn scarf might prove its worth – scaring away the Magpies and the Crows!
Other than that, it’s really up to the imagination of the maker.
A scarecrow making competition, part of the fun planned for the official launch of the Healesville Community Garden on Sunday 4 March will provide plenty of opportunity for people of all ages to test their scarecrow creativity.
The garden is well set up with a large shed and water tank and raised garden beds for wheel-chair access.
Some beds are designed so people can stand or sit on the edges to garden and there are the traditional ground-level plots available.
“The Healesville Community Garden is a place where the community can come together to garden,” said Yarra Valley Community Health’s Michelle Fleming.
“Community members are able to lease a plot to grow their own vegetables and plants, and several agencies are also planning on running community programs at the garden,” she said.
As well as the scarecrow-making competition, there will be a scavenger hunt, a sausage sizzle, plant potting table and door prizes.
The HCG will also have a stall at the community market on the day.
People can choose their garden plot at the launch and anyone who signs up by 24 March can attend a free workshop on getting their gardens started.
The Healesville Community Garden is located off River Street, behind Healesville Bowling Club in Coronation Park, and the launch will take place between 11am and 1pm.
For further information contact 5957 4403.