By Kath Gannaway
HEALESVILLE Community Bank branch of Bendigo Bank celebrated it’s first birthday on Saturday 18 February with a community party.
Shareholders, account holders, local business operators, guests and members of the broader community joined bank staff and the directors of Healesville & District Community Enterprise Ltd to mark the bank’s first year in operation.
Healesville Rotary Club members have been great supporters from the beginning of the campaign to get a community-owned bank in Healesville. Sizzled sausages, live music by local band the Hills Villians and teenage tenor Anthony Gerace set the party mood, and there were lots of giveaways as a thank-you to the community.
A highlight of the birthday was the presentation of a $500 sponsorship to the Healesville Music Festival, bringing the amount of grants and sponsorships for the year up to $4000.
Chairman Gary Slater thanked the shareholders and account holders who had supported and continued to support their bank, and had a special thank you for the bank staff.
Casey MP Tony Smith also congratulated the directors on seeing the bank through its first year and spoke of the valuable role community banks play in an increasing number of communities across Yarra Ranges.
“When we think of community building, we rightly think of the pioneers who raised funds and built buildings,” he said.
“And in that tradition, you are also community pioneers, who decided that you wanted to build something for Healesville in this community bank.
“As we celebrate the first birthday, we celebrate the growing cycle of community building, community commitment and community spirit.”