Johnson leads Summer Cup

By Dennis Fuller
THE first week of the three-week Summer Cup was held last Saturday at Emerald Golf Club.
Rain threatened and delivered during the day to make conditions a little backward of interesting.
Matt Johnson (27) found the course and the par format to his liking to lead the field in with a +5 score. He also led in the C Graders.
Evergreen Ken Hill (13) headed up the A Grade list with +4 and Hank Adams (19) did the same in B Grade, also with +4.
The three players top the leaders’ board in the Summer Cup and will take some reeling in.
Few others bettered their handicaps, but Dean Shannon +2, Peter Clowes +1 and Stuart Courtney +1 did.
Ben Balfour was nearest the pin on the fourth, Hill the seventh, Clowes the 12th, Adams the 13th, Leigh Morison the 17th and Ross Martin landed the pro pin loot on the 18th. Steve Town had the longest drive on the first.
The ladies comp was a nip and tuck affair till Gracie White just led the unlucky Daphne Aitken by a single point.
On Wednesday in the Ostensibly Faded Golf (OFG) Ken Sumsion (28) led in a large field with a whopping 45 points, much to the disappointment of Moss Fuller (20) and Ken Hill (15) who both had 40.
Next week is the second week of the Summer Cup and there is a school of thought that queries whether summer has actually arrived.