Civic conscious push

By Kath Gannaway
A RATEPAYERS group launched in December is encouraging Yarra Ranges residents to stand up and be counted at the next Yarra Ranges Council elections.
Yarra Ranges Ratepayers (YRR) is keen to provide mentoring and support to candidates who have a ‘like-minded’ philosophy and ideals to the group, and has listed this among its goals.
YRR chairman Alister Osborn said the group saw that philosophy as including accountability of expenditure, looking at quality, sustainable economic development and a sensible housing policy.
Ms Osborn, president of the Lilydale Chamber of Commerce, said the group was formed following community meetings held around the shire last year.
“In those meetings, great concern was shown for degrading local infrastructure, low standards of service delivery, illogical planning decisions and implementation of policies benefiting a small minority,” he said.
“Since then, we have had the debacles of the By Law amendments and C97 Planning Review, both of which have sharply focused the community into how out of touch and myopic the council has become.”
Mr Osborn said YRR recognised that being a councillor was “a tough gig”.
“It’s a difficult job councillors have, that’s why we need to get quality candidates, and ensure that residents are informed about the issues.
“Let’s have the debate about a proper housing strategy, a proper farming strategy and a proper environmental strategy over the next 10 months and come out hopefully with something that is of benefit to the majority of the people,” he said.
He said the YRR was also looking at providing training for candidates by ex-councillors.
“Councillors are governing for a very large and very diverse base, and we need people to have their eyes open when they come into it,” he said.
“You are running a $150 million business, and councillors are the board of directors for that business, which is providing a lot of divergent services. You need a range of skills to do it properly and the training would provide an understanding of the responsibilities, with the ex-councillors there to say this is what you are taking on.”
The YRR has 40 members across the shire, with chapters in Healesville, Yarra Glen, Lilydale, Mount Evelyn, Wandin, Belgrave, Chirnside Park and Hoddles Creek.
New members, or anyone considering running for a council seat in October can contact the group at or on through their facebook page.