Experts to decide on buried cables

By Kath Gannaway
THE State Government will appoint “an expert committee” to decide on which areas will receive underground or aerial bundled powerlines in the future.
Energy Minister Michael O’Brien announced the State Government’s response to the extensive final report of the Powerline Bushfire Safety Taskforce at the end of December in Marysville.
Mr O’Brien said the $750 million plan which will replace 100,000 kilometres of Victoria’s single wire earth return (SWER) powerlines would reduce the risk of electricity assets sparking bushfires by 64 per cent.
Burying the total powerline system would reduce the risk by around 90 per cent.
Under the plan, a response to the Black Saturday Royal Commission recommendations, the State Government would invest $200 million over the next decade to replace overhead powerlines with underground or aerial bundled cable (ABC).
Electricity companies will invest $500 million and $50 million will be spend on researching and developing electricity technology and catering for reduced supply impacts when electricity systems are cut off during bushfires.
The Dandenongs and Otway ranges are expected to be high on the list of high-risk areas which will benefit from the planned replacement of 1000 kilometres of lines, but the final word will rest with the committee.
The cost to power users will start at $1.30 in the first year peaking at $13 in the 10th year.