Battle to end cattle exports lives on

ANIMAL rights campaigner Chantal Teague has been encouraged by the national campaign against live exports, despite the Australian Labor Party’s decision to maintain the practice.
The Seville resident was one of two Victorians flown to Sydney as an ambassador at the ALP Conference last month.
She said it was a hectic day, but an incredible experience.
Labor MP Melissa Parke had moved a motion to phase out live exports within four years and replace the trade with chilled or frozen exports, but the motion was rejected by 215 votes to 173.
Instead, the ALP conference endorsed a resolution by Agriculture Minister Joe Ludwig supporting the cattle industry.
Ms Teague said the World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA) managed to get a full house with a lot of interest.
“However, Melissa Parke MP opened the issue for debate and we fell short by only 22 votes,” she said.
“We had two wins though: the ALP has agreed to invest more in chilled meat exports, so the door is open for an eventual phase out, and secondly, they have voted for an Independent Commission for Animal Welfare, thus taking it out of the hands of the agriculture minister, which is a really important step.”
Ms Teague said she had requested to remain a major part of the Move Forward campaign.
“I feel that this campaign has massive potential and might really make some ground if we can get the right audience,” she said.
“The campaigning isn’t over, we just need to work out our new strategies and keep fighting.”