Teacher’s extra marks

Teachers Raylene Chisholm and Natalie Bamfield are in their element with by kids.Teachers Raylene Chisholm and Natalie Bamfield are in their element with by kids.

IT IS a great accolade for a school to have a teacher nominated for an excellence award, but to have two is just … extra excellent!
St Brigids Primary School teachers Natalie Bamfield and Raylene Chisholm are both nominees in the ASG Inspirational Teaching Awards.
The awards, an initiative of NEiTA scholarship group, recognise outstanding and effective teaching.
The women took centre stage last week at the final school assembly for the term to accept their certificates. Both said they loved teaching.
“I had a passion for teaching from primary school,” Mrs Chisholm said. When the teachers were away the older students took the class.
“I loved it and it was the only job I ever wanted to do,” she said.
Mrs Bamfield has been at St Brigids for six years. She said while the hours can be long, the kids make it all worthwhile. “I have the preps and they are just beautiful,” she said.